Selected works in Bioethics
FAIR ALLOCATION OF scarce medical resources
“Equitable Global Allocation of Monkeypox Vaccines,” Vaccine (2023, in press; with Owen Schaefer, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, and four others)
“Fair Domestic Allocation of Monkeypox Virus Countermeasures,” 8 Lancet Public Health (May, 2023): e378-e382 (with Govind Persad, lead author; Ezekiel J. Emanuel, organizer; and four other authors).
“An Ethical Framework for Global Vaccine Allocation,” 369 (no. 6509) Science: 1309-1312 (2020) (as part of the core drafting team; with Ezekiel J. Emanuel and 17 other authors; as of 4/27/23, had been downloaded 14,733 times).
Methodological issues
“Specifying Norms as a Way to Resolve Concrete Ethical Problems”, Philosophy & Public Affairs
19(4): 279–310 (1990).
“Specifying, Balancing, and Interpreting Bioethical Principles”, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25(3): 285–307 (2000).
Ancillary Care and Incidental Findings in Medical Research
Moral Entanglements (Oxford, 2012)
In this book on the ancillary care obligations of medical researchers, Richardson asks some critical questions. Does a researcher testing an HIV vaccine in Africa have an obligation to provide anti-retrovirals to those who become HIV positive during the trial? Should a researcher studying a volunteer's brain scan, who sees a possible tumor, do more than simply refer him or her to a specialist? While most would agree that some special obligation does exist in these cases, what is the basis of this obligation, and what are its limits?
review by Joseph Fins (NDPR, 2013)
“Medical Researchers’ Ancillary Clinical-Care Responsibilities” (with Leah Belskey), British Medical Journal 328(7454): 1494–1496 (2004).
“The Ancillary-Care Responsibilities of Medical Researchers" (with Leah Belskey), Hastings Center Report, 34(1): 25–33 (2004).
“Gradations of Ancillary-Care Responsibility for HIV-AIDS in Developing Countries”, American Journal of Public Health 97(11): 1956–1961 (2007).
“The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers Working in Developing Countries” (with participants in the 2006 Georgetown University Workshop on the Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers Working in Developing Countries), PLoS Medicine 5(5): e90 (2008).
“Incidental Findings and Ancillary-Care Obligations”, Journal of Law and Medical Ethics, 36(2): 256–211 (2008).
“Public Health Doctors’ Ancillary-Care Obligations”, Public Health Ethics 3(1): 63–67 (2010).
“Secondary Researchers’ Duties” (with Mildred K. Cho), Genetics in Medicine 4: 467–472 (2012).
"Capabilities and the Definition of Health: Comments on Venkatapuram", Bioethics 30(1): 1-7 (2016).
"Intelligence and Transparency in Health Technology Assessment," International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 32: 3-6 (2016).
"Locating Medical Researchers' Ancillary-Care Obligations within the Division of Moral Labor," in S. Matthew Liao & Collin O'Neil, eds., Current Controversies in Bioethics (N.Y.: Routledge, 2017): 15-28.
“When Ancillary Care Clashes with Study Aims,” (as first author, with N. Eyal, J. Campbell, and J. Haberer) New England Journal of Medicine 377:13 (2017): 1212-15.
“Ancillary-Care Obligations,” in Ana S. Iltis and Douglas MacKay, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Research Ethics, Online Publication Date: Aug 2021, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190947750.013.17
“Can the Research Team-Participant Relationship Ground Ancillary-Care Obligations?” Ethics & Human Research 45 (1) (Jan.-Feb. 2023): 2-14.
“More-Than-Partial Entrustment in Pragmatic Clinical Trials,” American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8) (2023): 42-45.